Sunday, October 9, 2011

Stone Head and Story, Indiana

My girlfriend and I (and her husband) took the day off and spent the day roaming the backroads of Southern Indiana.  We made our annual pilgrimage to Nashville, Indiana to purchase fudge and art supplies and a few Christmas gifts.  The fall colors are just beginning, but everything else "fall" is in full swing.

We travelled south from Nashville to visit the famous Stone Head, in Stone Head, Indiana........

You can read its history here.

From there we continued our journey south to the quaint little town of Story, Indiana.  Once a prosperous timber harvesting town, it never recovered from the Great Depression.  Founded in 1851, it was all but deserted as families abandoned the area to search for work elsewhere. 

In 1960, the fate of Story was sealed, as US Army Corps of Engineers flooded the area nearby to create Lake Monroe.  Story's access road to nearby Bloomington, Indiana was now underwater.  Today the Inn and other buildings of Story have been renovated and are a favorite getaway spot for folks who do not fear the remoteness of its location.  Or its lack of cell phone service.  Or lack of radios, televisions, internet, and other amenities.

The town is close to the riding trails of the Hoosier National Forest and the Inn has overnight accommodations for horses as well as riders.

Christy and I just enjoyed walking around the buildings in Story, Indiana.  So much to see!

I LOVED this field with the quaint little round building in the center of it.  You can see that the fall colors are just beginning.

Walking around Story, one sees a great many antiquities, such as old wagon parts.  The Inn also has its own garden that supplies fresh produce and herbs during the summer months for the restaurant.

On the return trip to civilization, Christy and I risked life and limb on a twisty, country road to park our vehicle and walked on the side of the road to take photos of this old barn/shed.  It was too cute for us to pass up................

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't it a splendid day! I wish we could have these more often. I think Jack even enjoyed the day out withb "the girls."

    You got some amazing shots. The coloring was just fabulous!


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