Monday, October 10, 2011

Coxhall Gardens

Over the weekend, Katie and I had a photo shoot with two of her friends from school.  It was a beautiful Indian Summer day.  Perfect for hanging out at the park and taking photos.

The girls had a great time lounging in the sun and playing in the fountains when it wasn't their turn for photos.  The bell towers are especially pretty in this particular park.  They remind my of the Beta Bells at my beloved Alma Mater, Miami University.

We took a sampling of my vintage jewellry collection for them to model...............

And some of my vintage hats as well..............

It was a particulary sunny day, but Lindsey's Mom was a great assistant, and she stood close by using a lid from the tote to diffuse the bright sunlight when needed.  She also kept an eye on the girls so that I could focus (no pun intended) on selecting locations.  Which as you can tell by the photo below, was not an easy task.  I'm pretty sure that there is a no swimming policy for the fountains..........Just a guess.

Lindsey was keen to wear this rhinestone necklace of my grandmother's.  I think that Grandma would be pleased to know that her jewellry is being worn quite often for photos.  The hat she is wearing is one that I made for winter photos.  It goes nicely with rhinestones.

Ryan was eager to wear this jaunty hat that I made recently.  I like how the colors of the hat work well with her hair and dark eyes.  She looks like she should be wearing equestrian clothes and riding on a country estate in England.

I took only a few photos of Katie this particular day.  She just had a photo shoot last weekend, and was DELIGHTED to give up some of her camera time for play time.  In her 7 years, she's probably already had her fill of the "Mamarazzi".  As you can tell from this bored expression, she really just wanted to play with her friends.

Which she did.  ALOT.

Lindsey and Ryan on the other hand, preferred the novelty of dressing up for photos...............

Especially anything with feathers or sparkles.  It's a girl thing.

And they had fun.  Which is what matters most.  The photos are just bonus.


  1. Just awesome photos...and what a great location. Can't wait to visit there someone with you.

  2. Nice selection of pix. You are definitely developing a lot of skill in the portrait photography arena.


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