Sunday, October 2, 2011

This Weekend in Lovely Downtown Carmel

This weekend was chilly, but sunny, not ideal for photos..........but we plowed ahead anyway.  Coats and all.  We took a few photos in the Art District on Saturday and then popped into an art gallery for a quick look around.  Though perhaps stopping at one of the little cafes for a hot tea would have been more in order.

The sun made it difficult to believe that just the night before it had been raining.  We had stopped at Tuesday Morning for a quick look around before heading to dinner on Friday night.  Katie and I were just walking to the front of the store when Paul met up with us and said, "Hurry up!!  You've GOT to see this!!"

I took this photo with the only camera that I had with me, my iPhone.  It doesn't do it justice.  The rainbow could be seen from end to end in incredibly vivid colors.  And even better, there was a fainter second rainbow just to the side of it.  Breathtaking!  People were just standing around on the sidewalks of the shopping area, staring at it.  This was one of the few times that I remember seeing all of the colors of the rainbow represented equally, even the blues and indigos which often are faded out on a rainbow against the bluish sky.

Katie LOVED it.  Her first double rainbow.

The rest of the weekend has been incredibly laid back.  Just having some quality time at home with the ones we love.

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