Monday, February 7, 2011

Frick and Frack

My daughter, Katie, has a second cousin who is a mere 4 weeks older than she, by the name of Mackenzie.   They look forward to visits together, since they live in separate states, and this weekend was one such visit.  While Mackenzie's Aunt Kayla was sitting for her Senior pictures (see previous  post), the girls were enjoying their time together. 

I had grandiose visions of doing a special photo shoot of the girls wearing their matching dresses, after the Senior pictures were done.  Ha!  After just a few photos, it was obvious to me that letting them just play was more in order that Saturday.  Too much cabin fever was to blame, I am sure.

Here are the few shots that I managed to capture before the girls lost interest.

Their first Valentine card together.

Wearing the matching dresses that their Grandma made for them.  My Mom makes them a matching outfit nearly every year, generally around their birthdays.

Here they are with the quilted coats that match their dresses, being silly with a giant hot pink feather boa.

This photo of them is from the archives............Hard to believe but it has already been nearly 6 years since this photo of them was taken.

Before we know it, it will be 2022, and they will be getting their Senior pictures taken................

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