Monday, February 28, 2011

A Day in the Woods

Sometimes, despite the chill in the air, you just gotta get out.  It's been a long winter here in Indiana, and everyone at the Pride household was eager for a little sunshine (yeah, and that is exactly how much we got, too) as well as some much needed fresh air.

Katie chose to go to Eagle Creek.  I suspect that her choice was simply so that she could go visit her favorite friends at the Nature Center, the mudpuppies.  For those of you not in the know, mudpuppies are salamanders.  Ugly ones with feathery and odd looking gills.  Years ago, Katie visited and spotted the mudpuppies in their special aquarium.  As she peered through the glass, one of the little guys meandered over and "touched" noses with her.  And continued to follow her around no matter where she peered in.  Now they are her friends.

After the Nature Center, we walked along the beach area now mostly deserted.  Some of the lake is still frozen and the landscape still barren.  We saw that many smaller trees along the main path to the water were down due to the abundance of ice storms this year.

Do you ever wonder why certain signs are necessary?  Really?  No Parking?  In the woods of a state park?  Who made this sign necessary?

Of course the fallen trees didn't stop Katie from running everywhere.

Along the beach area, we saw deer prints and droppings.  Later we saw raccoon prints in the sand.  I'm so proud that my little nature girl was able to readily identify both.  Everywhere there was evidence of winter--the cold, the grayness, the barren landscape.  But upon looking closer, I saw tiny greenery nestled in the woodland floor.  Hooray!

I love the tiny little shoots!

The water along the shore was cold, but beautiful................

Katie enjoyed wearing her boots and splashing in the water.  And I enjoyed taking her photo while she was wearing her boots, my favorite pink scarf, and Daddy's sweatshirt as a coat.

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