Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Danger is my Middle Name...............

Little Carson Danger, my nephew,  is 6 months old  now.  Honestly, how did that happen?  We celebrated with a photo shoot.  First with his brothers, showing off their new Easter clothes.  I really liked their socks.  So cute!

After a few photos with his brothers, Carson settled into his one on one time with Aunt Jackie.

He is generally a happy boy.  But towards the end of the photo shoot he began to fuss.  Particularly after being subjected to the rabbit ears.

Such a sad little bunny...........But as it turns out, he was just tired...............

Nothing says LOVE like a sleeping baby..................

1 comment:

Spring Break on the Island

This year has been a horrible winter.  So the Prides just had to get away to someplace WARM! And nothing is better than Hilton Head Isl...