Sunday, February 6, 2011


This year, the last of my nieces will graduate from High School.  Kayla is Number 5 in the rankings, out of the Bakers Dozen of grandkids and great-grandkids that my parents have.  (See previous posts featuring others in the ranking).

Despite a snowstorm of considerable strength this weekend, Kayla made the trek from Ohio to Indiana so that I could take her Senior pictures.  My friend Christy also braved the elements to participate in the photo shoot with me.  As you might expect, we incorporated the snow into our photography.

Here are just a few of the several hundred photos taken this weekend.

Funny, we put a variety of hats on her during the afternoon, but NONE while she was outside in the snowstorm and could've used the extra warmth............

Another inside photo.  Another hat.

And another hat.

A nod to Valentine's Day.

Wearing the blue flower brooch that Christy made for me.

Relaxing on the couch before we venture outside for some snow photos.

Snow scene.  No hat.

More snow.  No hat.

What you don't see in this photo is the giant snowdrift she is standing in.  And by this time, she is shivering with cold.  If you listen closely enough, you can almost hear her teeth chattering.

Here Kayla is wearing some of her Great Grandmother's costume jewelry, my vintage ribbon dress jacket, and the pillbox hat that I recently acquired and blogged about last month.

The smile of Kayla's that I remember as far back as when she was just 4 years old.

The photo that I have affectionately named "Church Lady".

1 comment:

  1. Nice work. Could use a little more "outside" in the outside shots.


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