Thursday, September 8, 2011

Huffman Praire Flying Field Interpretive Center

It's a mouthful, but a wonderful nod to the rich aviation history of my hometown of Dayton, Ohio.  This national park (yes, it is a national park--check out the emblem behind the kids on the photo below) is a fun exhibit for flying enthusiasts eager to learn more about the famous Wright brothers.

Inside the museum is a working flight simulator that provides a feel for what the first Wright brothers invention required to even get airborne.  Katie, Zach, and Evan all gave it a try.  And they all crash landed, as well.

The real reason we were out and about on a rainy Labor Day was to allow the kids to visit two more Dayton parks.  They are working on their "Passports to Nature", which requires visiting 8 of the Dayton area metro parks.  Since the flying field is technically a National Park, it didn't qualify, but the Huffman Dam park right next door did.  Previously this summer they visited Carriage Hill and Taylorsville Reserve, for their first two entries in their Passports.

At both parks, the kids had the opportunity to stretch their legs and do what kids do like crazy!

They joined Paul in admiring the view of the Huffman dam, just one of five dams built after the Dayton flood of 1913, put in place to protect Dayton from future flooding.  Taylorsville (visited by the kids earlier this summer) and the Germantown dams are two others.  I can't remember the final two, but will post them later when the kids visit them during the completion of their passports this fall.

The view of the Miami Valley from the various dams is quite nice.  Especially this time of year.

And of course the parks offer what all kids really love best..........a playground!

 Even Indy enjoyed his time in the fresh air.................

At the end of the day, we made a quick trip to the Eastwood Park, and then returned home to the Goodman homestead for a quick photo shoot and some dinner.

The kids have now visited 4 of the 8 parks needed for their Passports to Nature (and earned 1 unexpected visit to a National Park to boot!).  This fall we will have some additional posts of their visits that complete their passports.

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