Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Though it is quickly approaching fall, I am still enjoying my crop of nasturtiums.  The weather has been so gorgeous and spring like lately, that I opted to enjoy a meal outside surrounded by all things nasturtium.  Including my own custom nasturtium place cards, made using a vintage postcard image from the turn of the century.

These are my latest find, vintage luncheon plates with matching cups in milk glass with a grape pattern.  They were so reasonable that I bought 10 sets at a local rummage sale.  My daughter and I quickly took them home, washed our little plates, and set the table with them the same day.  We use the matching cups for foods like applesauce, peas, or cottage cheese rather than actual drinks as the cups are quite small.

We enjoy quiet lunches in our front courtyard.  Our house is shaped like a capital letter “H”, with a longish middle section.  This makes for two natural courtyard areas, one facing the front of our property and the other facing the back.  The front courtyard has a 4th wall that has two small arched openings, and a two wrought iron gates that remind me of the many that I saw in Charleston while on vacation.  It makes for a wonderfully cozy (and private!) area for enjoying a meal al fresco.

Below is my nasturtium place card image for anyone who wants to download it and print their own.  It is sized to work with Avery folded business cards, 2x3.5 inches in size.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Really LOVE the picture of the front garden gate. It's great!


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